Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions from users, with resources and answers that may help you. We add to this list continually as new queries arise. For further help you can also check out the following resources: Help files: Comprehensive guidance on how to use FrontlneSMS software, the help files are available within FrontlineSMS software via the Help option in the top right of the screen (Version 2) or from the Help menu (Version 1). Version 1 help is also available here. FrontlineSMS Community Forum: If you cannot find the information you need here on the FAQ page or in any other resources then you can try searching the previous discussions on our forum, using the top right search function to find relevant topics. If you have a new question, go to the forum tab, and click Add+ to start a new discussion. The FrontlineSMS team and other users will always be happy to help!

Sending and Receiving Messages