Importing Activities
Step 1: Navigate to the Recipe Manager on your browser via the link for FrontlineCloud or http://localhost:8080/go/recipeManager for for FrontlineLocal. May require log in if you haven't already.
Step 2: Click the 'Import Collections' button and select the cookbook file that you want to import. Activities must be in the .ckbk format taken from the FrontlineSMS activities-and-templates repo on Github.
Step 3: Refresh the page to see the new Activity that has been added. Once the import is complete, you can proceed to configure your Activity as needed.
Exporting Activities
Step 1: Navigate to the Recipe Manager on your browser via the link for FrontlineCloud or http://localhost:8080/go/recipeManager for for FrontlineLocal. May require log in if you haven't already.
Step 2: Click on the Activity that you want to export from the list of Activities on your workspace.
Step 3: This will take you to that Activity's recipe collection page. Here, click on the 'Export this Collection" button to export.
Step 4: This will take you to the export page where you can edit or add key information regarding the Cookbook. Once you are done, click ‘Download the Cookbook’ button to initiate the download process. The Cookbook will be saved in the default downloaded items folder on your Computer.
Step 5: Once the download is complete, you can navigate back to the recipe manager by clicking the ‘Back to the Recipe Manager’ link or click on the FrontlineSMS Logo to go back to the main application.