This installation process is mostly suitable for a technical user. While the Windows and Mac distributions have the prerequisites bundled within the app, the Linux version requires you to install the dependencies separately.
Below is the step by step guide to install the dependencies and run the app.
N/B: This installation process has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04
- Install Java, MySQL and Tomcat 7
Install the following requirements
- Install Java 7
- Install MySQL 5.7.31.
- Install Tomcat 7 from
- Add the property db.preserve=true system property in the file (this is a tomcat specific configuration file). This file found inside the tomcat folder under conf/
- Create Database
Assuming that MySQL is running, create a database using the script below
function mysql_create_db {
local db_name=$1
local db_username=$2
local db_password=$3
local root_username=root
local root_password=$4
if [[ -z "$root_password" ]]; then
echo "Creating MySQL database: $db_name"
echo "You may need to enter your mysql password for username: $root_username"
mysql -u${root_username} ${password_clause} -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS $db_name; CREATE DATABASE $db_name CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $db_name.* TO $db_username@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$db_password'"
echo "Database created :-)"
mysql_create_db frontlinesms fsms_username fsms_password
- Ensure the installed java is the default java in use system-wide.
For your setup, you may need to just make sure JAVA_HOME points to the Java 7 installed.
To check what JAVA_HOME points to run
To change this environment variable, you can edit the bashrc file and assign the variable the appropriate path.
- Download and Setup FrontlineLocal in Tomcat 7
Download FrontlineLocal WAR file from
Assuming Tomcat 7 is running (using Java 7) then rename the war file to ROOT.war and place it in the tomcat web apps folder. Tomcat will automatically unpack the WAR file and FrontlineLocal should be running on port 8080. The URL should look as follows http://localhost:8080
See the rest of the steps to help you get started