Integrating with Zapier allows you to trigger Zaps when a message is received into your FrontlineCloud workspace. Through Zapier, SMS received in FrontlineCloud can trigger events in any of Zapier's hundreds of supported apps.
To integrate FrontlineCloud with Zapier, you need to
- Create Zapier Integration from FrontlineCloud
- Create Zap on Zapier
Create Zapier Integration from FrontlineCloud
Go to the API web services and integrations page by clicking on the cog wheel located on the top right corner of the page.
Click on "Api Web service and Integrations". This will take you to the "Api Web Services and integrations" page. From that page you can click on the "Connect a web service" button to create the Zapier integration.
A sidebar will slide in revealing all the different web services you can connect. Click on “Zapier” option.
Name your Zapier Integration based on the purpose for which you intended to create it.
You should see the Zapier Integration listed on the same page just after you created it
You will need to copy the Zapier Key since you will need it for the next stage of setup.
Create Zap on Zapier
Go to and create a new Zap. Zapier will require you to choose a Trigger App. Search for “FrontlineSMS”. The search results will list down FrontlineSMS as a supported app.
Select “FrontlineSMS” and choose “New SMS received” as your trigger. Click “Continue” to move to next stage.
At this point you will need to link Zapier to FrontlineCloud using the Zapier Key provided by FrontlineCloud. Zapier will require you to add a FrontineCloud account. Click the “Create a new Account” button.
Zapier will display a popup that would allow you to paste in the Zapier Key.
If invalid key is entered you will see something like this.
If a valid key is provided then you will be able to proceed to the next stage by clicking “Save + Continue” from
The next screen will allow you to set up filters for the received SMS. These restrict the Zap so that only matching SMS will trigger the Zapier functionality. To allow all your received SMS to proceed through the zap, leave both fields blank.
If values are supplied, for example, for the “Sender Mobile Number” then only text messages that match that phone number will proceed forward in the Zap.
The next screen as displayed below requires you to do a test with FrontlineSMS. You can achieve this by clicking “Fetch + Continue”. Doing this pulls test SMS from FrontlineCloud servers. Once this stage is done you can proceed to create Zapier actions.
Once this is set up, you can now add further actions in any of the services Zapier supports, passing in information from the received SMS such as the sender number or the message content where appropriate.
Once you have successfully created your Zap, an Activity that forwards all incoming messages to Zapier will have automatically been created in the Activities section.
Through this Activity you can see all SMS that were forwarded to Zapier, while on the Zapier dashboard you can see further detail about the actions performed for each message.