Organising your Interactions using tags

Tags provide a means to group related interactions into folders. For example, grouping messages sent out by an Autoreply activity or messages that were sent in by participants of a Poll or Simple Survey. The term 'Interactions' refers to any data sent or received by the platform. That includes sent & received SMSs, Missed calls, API requests among others.

A message can have multiple Tags associated with it, some of which can be nested allowing for even more powerful organization whereby an interaction can be grouped in a subfolder. For example, an interaction can be tagged as being in the Nairobi subgrouping. Nairobi would then be classified in the Kenya tag. This is what we call Nested Tags. This would be done by tagging the interaction as Kenya//Nairobi. Each sub-tag or sub-group would be introduced by using // as the sub-group delimiter.

Nested tags allow for greater flexibility. In the example above, the interaction was grouped under Nairobi which was grouped under Kenya i.e Kenya//Nairobi. But the same interaction can be grouped as follows,  Cities//Nairobi. This will then put the interaction in another grouping Nairobi (Cities//Nairobi) which is totally different from the Kenya//Nairobi grouping.


Frontline provides 2 ways through which interactions can be tagged. These are :-

  1. Automated tagging by Activities. Various Activities in Frontline allow for interaction tagging e.g. "Autoreply to SMS" allows one to specify what tag to apply to a message that matches the activity's keywords.
  2. Manual tagging by a logged in User. Interactions can be tagged manually by a user from the expanded view of an interaction. 

In this article we shall talk about manually tagging interactions. For information on tagging interactions using an Activity, please read more in the Activity section.

Managing tags associated with an interaction (e.g. SMS or Missed Call)

  1. Find your interaction in the Inbox section
  2. Click to expand and view the details of the interaction (in the case below we have selected an SMS). In the expanded state of the selected interaction, a set of actions to the right are now visible.
  3. Click on the menu option with the Tag icon as displayed in the image below:




This will reveal a sidebar from which Tags can be added and removed:


Adding tags to an interaction

  1. Simply enter the name of your Tag in the text field. Multiple tags can be entered by separating them with a comma, space or enter.
  2. Nested tags on the other hand can be added by separating multiple tag names with double forward slashes (//) as shown above. As you can see a single forward (/) is not added as a nested tag. You will note that the Tags are visually separated as you supply them.
  3. Click Save. The newly attached Tags will then appear among the Tags associated with the interaction. Note how the nested tags on the sidebar are represented by a caret which can be opened and closed to reveal the child tags.



Removing tags from an interaction

  1. From within the sidebar, click on the cross-shaped red icon to the far right of the tag.
  2. The tag will automatically be disassociated from the interaction and a notification will be displayed. 


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