Creating Rules for Sending Text Messages Through Multiple Numbers or Connections

FrontlineCloud is highly configurable, meaning many features in the application will help you send messages in a useful way. One of the most powerful tools for this is configuring routing rules, in which you can select how to send messages through a variety of connections.

If you only have a single connection, such as a Twilio account or an Android phone, then messages will always send and receive through that single connection. But once you add an additional connection, FrontlineCloud will allow you to create rules for sending outgoing messages.

In other words, routing rules allow you to set your own preferences for sending messages, and improve the chances that your messages will be delivered to the people you are trying to reach.

Here is how to create these routing rules.

Navigatie to the connections page.

Log in to FrontlineCloud and click on the settings button to view the menu. Then click on 'Connections to mobile networks' to go to the connections page



Your Connections page should look similar to this one


Now you can create routing rules following the steps below.

1. First, make sure you have multiple connections configured.

If you are trying to send messages through a variety of connections, then first set up all of your connections.  You can read how to create a variety of connections here:

You will then see a list of options, as in the screenshot above.


2. Next, decide whether outgoing messages should be sent through the most recent number used by the people you are trying to reach.

In many cases, the people you are trying to reach will message the number they are most familiar with. Therefore, you can instruct FrontlineCloud to send outgoing messages through that same number.

For instance, if Jane is trying to reach you and has your Android phone number, you probably want to respond to Jane through that same number. If you respond through a different phone number, she may not know who you are! To always reply to someone through the same number they messaged most recently, select the very first box, as highlighted in the screenshot below.




3. Now decide the priority order for other connections in your list.

You can also set the priority order for the other phone numbers you have connections with. Note that you can do this whether or not you have selected the box to send messages through the most recent number contacts have messaged. This is useful for:

  • situations in which you are messaging contacts for the first time, because you can prioritize the least expensive or most reliable phone number
  • forcing FrontlineCloud to use your preferred phone number, no matter how other contacts have reached you
  • prioritizing how FrontlineCloud will message someone if a phone number fails; in other words, if FrontlineCloud cannot reach someone through your first preferred connection, it will try again on the second most preferred connection, and so on


In order to create a prioritized list, you can 'drag and drop' your phone numbers to create your preferred order. Below is one example. Let's say the fifth connection on your list is actually the one you prefer to use for sending most messages. You can 'grab' the number by hovering over the left-hand tab with your cursor, where the arrow is pointing in the screenshot below.



You can now 'drag' that number to the first position.

Note: your move will be saved automatically!


You can see what this would look like in our example in the screenshot below:



As you can see, the preferred number is now first on the list. FrontlineCloud will now attempt to contact recipients using this number. If the SMS should fail for some reason, FrontlineCloud will move on to the second number in the list and attempt to send the message again.


4. Finally, be sure to deselect any phone numbers you do not want FrontlineCloud to use.

In the event that you do NOT want FrontlineCloud to use a certain phone number, you can simply deselect it in the list by clicking on the relevant box and ensuring the checkmark disappears.

Note: your choice will be saved automatically.

This is useful if you are running a short-term project, such as a poll, and want to temporarily de-activate a phone number that you can later re-enable.

You can see an example of what this looks like in the screenshot below:




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