Connecting to Salesforce

Integrating with Salesforce allows you to set up automated communication between your FrontlineCloud workspace and salesforce, using Custom Activities.

These Activities must be set up for your workspace by the Frontline team. If you want to use FrontlineCloud with salesforce, please contact us on

Create Salesforce Integration from FrontlineCloud

Navigate to the “API web services and Integrations” by clicking the cog wheel at the top right hand side of any page and clicking on “API web services and Integrations”.


Proceed and click on the “Connect a web service” button. A side bar will slide in revealing various services with which you can connect to. From this slide in you can select Salesforce.

Select Salesforce from among the list. The slide in form will display some instructions and a button “Connect to Salesforce”.

Clicking the “Connect to Salesforce” would redirect you to the salesforce website that will require you to login.

Once you have logged into, you will be redirected back to FrontlineCloud and you will see your newly created Salesforce Integration listed among any other integrations you have set up.

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