How to edit the English text in Cloud and Core

An overview and explanation of the pootle GUI is available at the OpenOffice wiki.

It is worth keeping in mind, that we 'misuse' Pootle here as editing the template language is not intended. We will therefore treat our proposed changes as translations into an entirely new language and merge those back into the regular English language file afterwards.

To make adjustments in the English copy:

  1. Make changes by 'translating' strings to the "English (changes) 'language', e.g. spotting a typo leads you to translate "Cnacel" to "Cancel".
  2. Notify developers about your edits by creating a JIRA ticket and have them review and they will take the steps to pull the changes and merge. Jira ticket content:
    title: Deployment: Integrate English copy changes into core and cloud
    description: add a link to the project on Pootle <> and a summary of the changes that you think have been made since the last integration
    type: "Zero effort"
    label: translation
    Fix Version: 0.3

Note As english is our template language, we should update the English used in our template language from our English (changes) as otherwise our copy tweaks will not be reflected in our translations and our template language will move further away from our actual used English.  This suggests that, while we can edit and tweak English constantly on Pootle, we may want to consider how often we apply the changes.

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