Payment Activities

You can automate some of your MPesa interactions using FrontlineSMS with Payments. FrontlineSMS already lets you automate your SMS using Activities. To complement this, we've added Activities especially for mobile value transfers. Using Activities, you can schedule payments, setup up loan repayment programs and targeted savings. 

Savings with Targets (link)

The Savings with Targets Activity allows subscribers to make incremental payments overtime in order to save towards a target. The administrator can setup targets for individual subscribers, tracking the total to be saved, payments made, balance of the savings,  and the interval to make payments. The administrator can also set custom reminders to subscribers, choosing when in the savings period they are notified and when their next savings payment is due. Subscribers are not penalized for missing targets, but are notified when they miss a payment. 

Loans (link)

The Loan Activity allows subscribers to make incremental payments overtime in order to pay back a debt. The administrator can setup bespoke loans for each subscriber, tracking loan amounts, payments made, balance of the loan, the interest rate applied and the interval to make payments. The administrator can also set custom reminders to subscribers, choosing when in the loan period they are notified for the next payment and their current status. The Loan Activity also tracks whether subscribers are in default for easy administration. 

Scheduled Payments (link)

Scheduled Payment runs can be setup using Activities. The administrator can create a payment to occur once, or recurring over a certain period of time. The administrator can also select the beneficiaries, including groups or individuals, who should receive payment. In the case of variable payment values to beneficiaries, the administrator can select which custom field values to use as payment amounts. To read more about Group Payments, see here. (link)

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