Sending a Payment

To send a payment, select the ‘Send Payment' button in the top right of any page within the app. This button is located to the right of the 'Send Message' button. 


A window will slide out from the right of the screen. This window will have a field where you can type numbers, contact names, or groups. Select the contacts you want to make the payment to.


In the field marked 'Amount', you can enter any value you want to send. This value will send to each of the contacts inputed above.

Once you have inputted the necessary values,  click 'Send Payment' at the bottom of the screen. The window will close and the payments will be submitted to the Android device and will show as 'Pending' in the Inbox until confirmed from Safaricom. For more information regarding Payment Statuses, please read here. 

You can use this sending option to either send to individual contacts from the contact database, to numbers which are not already in the system, or to groups of contacts. You can also quickly and easily see how many contacts belong to each group you select. 


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