In some countries, 'dropped SMS,' in which text messages don’t get through to the recipient, can be a problem. It is very difficult to get reliable data on this from mobile network operators, but you could conduct your own simple test by sending a number of test messages and recording what happened to all of them. For example, if you send 100 test messages (test-1, test-2, test-3 and so on) and only 97 arrive, then you can conclude that your service will be 97% reliable.
Of course, this is not a large sample, but how far you go to achieve a large dataset and how much risk you are willing to tolerate in terms of ‘dropped’ messages are both project management decisions for you to make based on the size of your budget and the nature of your messages.
For an example of one such test, read Michael Benedict’s post on the ICTWorks blog.
If you have questions regarding reliability in a specific country, you might try searching the community forum to see if others have had similar issues. If not, try posting your question and see if someone from the community can answer it! You can read more about this process here: How can I get help from the FrontlineSMS or FrontlineCloud community?
If you are using FrontlineCloud, dropped messages may result from either carrier-specific issues or because the web aggregator you are using is down. If you are connecting via SMSSync, then your Android may not have a data signal or have low battery, which can affect delivery. You can see our troubleshooting guide here: What do I do if FrontlineCloud is not sending messages?
If you are attempting to send messages with FrontlineSMS desktop, then the issue could be related to the carrier, the modem, a conflicting device, or something specific with your desktop setup. For instance, varying signal and power supply at the FrontlineSMS hub can impact the reliability of message sending. Please see our troubleshooting section, What do I do if FrontlineSMS is not connecting to my device or not sending messages?