We aim to make communications easier for all of our users. Our family of applications are translated into several commonly used languages. However, there are many cases in which users prefer to use the products in languages besides those in our core set, or even in a dialect that varies from our translations. In either case, we use a translation management service that allows our products to be translated into nearly any language or dialect you choose.
The translation management service offers you one word or a short phrase for translation at a time. If you would like to see how the words appear in context, please feel free to download our desktop application and/or register for a free trial account with FrontlineCloud:
Let Us Know You're Interested
We are thrilled to work with volunteers to help us translate our products. If you are interested in supporting our products, we'll need to set up an account for you in our translation management system.
Please let us know if you are interested! We are fast to respond, and can be reached at
Using the Translation Manager
Once we've created an account for you, you are able to provide translations at your own pace. Below is a step-by-step guide for getting started.
1. Log into Once logged in, select the language of your choice from the list you see, as in the screenshot below.
Note: You should have read-only access to languages other than the language you have offered to translate. If you would like to provide additional translations, let us know and we'll expand your permissions.
2. Select a project. We'll need translations in each category, so feel free to translate both.
3. Select "continue translation." Even if you haven't started, this phrase will appear. If you leave before finishing, you can come back and continue your work another time.
4. Words and phrases appear one at a time. Translate the word or phrase you see, click "submit," then click "next string" to move the next phrase into the box for translation.
You can see the 3-part process in the screenshot below.
5. Finally, let us know when you are finished!
Email us when you've completed your project. We will immediately place the language into our backlog for final incorporation into the applications. For FrontlineCloud, we use an Agile development methodology, with new deployments every few weeks. Please allow 2-5 weeks for your translation to appear in the app. For FrontlineSMS desktop, your language translation should appear in our next release, though there is no specific release cycle.
Thank you for your assistance in translating our applications. We strive to make communications easier for our users, and your work in translating our applications facilitates that tremendously.