Getting around the Inbox

This is the first section you will see when you open the Frontline workspace. It has links that allow different views all showing different states of your Interactions. Only one state can be viewed at a time.

The term 'Interactions' refers to any data sent or received by the platform. That includes sent & received SMSs, Missed calls, API requests among others.


The left hand navigation down the side of the Inbox allows you to navigate through each of your interactions.  The options work as filters by status and state:

  1. All Communications: The default 'home' state. All incoming and outgoing interactions can be viewed from here regardless of the state they are in. 
  2. Did not trigger: In this view you can get all the incoming interactions that did not trigger any of the Activities you have set up. 
  3. SMS Received: This view shows all the inbound received SMS, including those that have not triggered any activities. 
  4. SMS Sent: This view shows all the outbound SMS that have been sent successfully.
  5. SMS Failed: This view shows all the outbound SMS that have failed, meaning they have not reached their destination. 
  6. SMS Pending: This view shows all the outbound SMS that are in the pending state. When an SMS is pending, it means that its still being processed and has not failed.
  7. Missed Calls: This shows all the Missed Calls that you have received, regardless of whether they failed to trigger any activities.
  8. Manually fired: This view shows all the interactions that were manually triggered by user.
  9.  Deleted Communications: This shows all of your deleted Interactions. 

Navigating through the Interactions 

 When you have many Interactions in the inbox, you can use the page navigation buttons Previous or Next (10) to navigate through them. The page navigation buttons are found at the top and bottom of the Inbox page. 

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