Creating a Missed Call Autoforward

This Activity lets you forward SMS messages to selected contacts when Missed Calls are received to your workspace. It is a useful Activity that can be applied to a lot of use cases, for example alert systems. The Missed Call number can be forwarded along with any other added text. Follow the steps below to create one; 

Step 1: On the Activities page, click 'Create activity' and then click 'Autoforward Missed Calls' from the activity selector that opens.

Step 2: Enter the Autoforward details in the activity builder as explained below;



  1. Enter a name for the Activity,
  2. Select the recipients who will receive the generated SMS.
  3. Set the SMS text to send. The missed call number is pre-populated here but can be removed or edited.

There are also optional 'advanced' options:

  1. Specify the connection that you want to send the Autoforward through. 
  2. You can restrict the Autoforward to a specific group and this will mean that only Missed Calls from members of that group will trigger the Activity.
  3. Define a tag name to identify the Missed Calls that have triggered the Autoforward in the Inbox.
  4. If you have more than one FrontlineSync connections and want the Autoforward to be triggered by Missed calls received through a specific connection, define that in this box.  

Note that you must set up a FrontlineSync connection to receive Missed Calls, as its the only connection type that supports this. You can however use a different connection to send the Messages. 

 Step 3: The Autoforward will appear on the Activities overview page. Activities are by default switched ON and this means that they will be triggered whenever the conditions set for them are fulfilled. You can switch the Activity OFF when its not use.



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