Note: This feature is not publicly available yet and would require you to first send us an email to for it to be enabled on your workspace before you can proceed.
To configure your Autoforward and Event Registration, navigate to the Activities page in the top navigation, and click 'Create New Activity'. You will see the available nationBuilder Activities which are the NationBuilder Subscriber and the NationBuilder RSVP.
Configuring the Nationbuilder Subscriber Activity
This Activity pushes all messages to your nation. The Activity is also designed to request email addresses for any users who communicate with FrontlineCloud and push this information to NationBuilder.
To configure this Activity, select 'NationBuilder subscriber' from the options.
- Enter a name for the Activity.
- Enter a message to send to your contacts asking them for their email address.
- You can optionally specify a tag that gets applied to both NationBuilder and FrontlineCloud contacts. If you plan to give out keywords to users to link them to campaigns in NationBuilder, enter ${trigger.getWord(1)} as this will automatically tag users in NationBuilder with whichever keyword is used when the contact first interacts with FrontlineCloud.
Click save to create. The Activity will now appear in your Activities list. You can only have one such Activity in your workspace and once you save, it will appear disabled in the Activity options list.
Note - if a user doesn't text in their email address within 30 mins of FrontlineCloud's request, it will push the data to NationBuilder using the phone number as the unique identifier.
Configuring the RSVP Activity
Once you have the NationBuilder subscriber Activity created, you can now create an Event RSVP. Create your event in NationBuilder as usual and publish the event. Note the event slug and site slug used to create this Event.
Again, click Create Activity and click the Nationbuilder RSVP Activity. The form will ask for a few details from Nationbuilder:
- Enter a name for your Activity,.
- Enter the site slug for the nation that you are using.
- Enter the event slug that your contacts need to RSVP to.
- Enter the keywords that you would like your contact's to use. You can set multiple keywords to RSVP to this event, by separating them with commas. Remember, keywords must be unique to events, so you won't be able to reuse the same keywords while two RSVP Activities are active at the same time.
- Specify the text which will be sent when a user RSVPs.
- and 7 .Set tags to be applied to Messages that trigger this Activity. You can optionally specify a tag that gets applied to both NationBuilder and FrontlineCloud contacts. If you plan to give out keywords to users to link them to campaigns in NationBuilder, enter ${trigger.getWord(1)} as this will automatically tag users in Nationbuilder with whichever keyword is used when the contact first interacts with FrontlineCloud. Click save to create and turn on this Activity.
*Note - if the user who texts in to an Activity is unknown in FrontlineCloud, the user will be texted asking their email address. They have 30 minutes to reply with their e-mail address. If they do, it will push all of this information to NationBuilder, creating new users as required. If the email address is not provided, the user will be created and RSVP'ed using their phone number. The system is designed to wait up to 30 minutes for an email address, however, if this has already been provided, all information will update immediately. Despite any delays, the auto-replies to end users are sent immediately and are not delayed.