Editing your profile details in FrontlineCloud

Your FrontlineCloud profile includes your e-mail, password, time zone, and language settings. When you first register with FrontineCloud, each of these settings will be stored as a default for your account. They can be edited from your profile page. If you wish to change them, simply follow the steps below.

Step 1: Navigate to your profile details under the account settings. 



Step 2: Edit the options to edit your email (username), password, timezone and language.


Changing your email address

To change your email address, enter a new (valid) address into the box. You will need to enter it one more time to make sure we get it right! Next, click 'update email.'

Note: your email address also acts as your username when you log in, so if you change your email address, you will need to log in with your new email.

You will see a notification at the top of the screen if your email has successfully changed, as per the screenshot below. Additionally, your username is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the screen - this should immediately change to your new email. Additionally, FrontlineCloud will take two actions:

  1. FrontlineCloud will send an email to your 'old' email address, notifying you that the email associated with your FrontlineCloud account has changed.
  2. FrontlineCloud will also send an email to the 'new' email address, reminding you to use this email address to log in for all future attempts.

Changing your password

To change your password, you will first need to enter your current password (to prove it's you!). Then, you need to enter a new password of your choice. Confirm this password one more time, and select the button for 'update password.' You will see a notification at the top of the screen if you are successful.

 Changing your timezone

Note that on account sign up,FrontlineCloud detects the timezone you are in at the time. This is something you must manually  do if you want to have a different timezone for your workspace. To update your timezone details, pick a timezone of choice from the drop down and click 'Update Timezone'.

Changing your language settings

To change the default language settings, click on the drop down menu and select the language of your choice. Then click 'Update Language.

While we cannot promise to provide a new language immediately, your request does help us prioritize which languages to add in the future as we develop further updates.

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