Adding Contacts into your workspace one by one

You can add Contacts manually or through import. There are two ways to add contacts manually; from the 'People tab' which is accessible from the top navigation bar, or from the Inbox when you receive a SMS or Missed call from someone whose details you have not saved. If using the second method, the telephone number is already filled in for you in the contact details form.

1. Where you can add a contact

a. From the People tab

Navigate to the People tab, from the top of your screen and click on  'Add Contact'. A contact details form like the one below will open. Enter the contact's details and save.


b. From the Inbox

If adding a Contact from the Inbox, click on the contact that you want to add. This will reveal some details including a button to add to contacts. Click the 'Add to Contacts' button to open the contact details form like the one shown above. The phone number will be filled in for you. Fill in the rest of the details and save


c. Through Importing 

If you have a large number of contacts to add to FrontlineCloud, you can import them instead of adding them manually. You can initiate this from the People tab by clicking the 'Import' button or from the Settings page. You will get a contact import wizard where you get to choose the type of file that you want to import. The file types allowed are CSV and vCard. The Contact Import process is explained in detail in this article 

2. Filling in a Contact's details. 

The default information boxes in each contact record allow you to input basic details such as a contact's name, phone number and email address. Besides these, you can add notes and custom fields to specify more details such as a Contact's date of birth.

The phone number is a very critical field and the system requires this to be unique across the system; no 2 contacts can share the same number but they can have the same name for example.  Numbers should also always be internationalised even if you are sending locally.  There is a useful country flag that will appear after save/edit that will confirm whether or not the number is correctly recognised in the system.

Technical Tips!

The 'Name' field has a 255 character limit. The 'Notes' field has a 1024 character limit.

Custom fields 

To create a custom field;

1.Expand the drop-down box labeled 'Add more information ' to select from the list available. If none of your preferred options are available, click 'Create new' to add one.

2. Select the custom field type that you want e.g Date or Text and enter a preferred name  then click to save.

3.Update the custom field properties for the contact you are creating and save. The custom field will now be available in the 'Add more information' drop down box and can be used with other Contacts.

Read more about managing custom fields in this article.

Assigning a Contact to Groups

To assign groups to contacts, you first need to create a group. You can assign contacts to one or multiple groups. Groups allow you to perform certain tasks on multiple contacts simultaneously. For example, you may have a group of contacts called 'Friends in Nairobi' to whom you can send a message, without having to add their number's individually.

To add Contacts to Groups you have created from contact details,

  1. Click on the drop down box labeled 'Add to Group' next to the heading 'Group'.
  2. Select the group(s) that you want to add the Contact to from the list of groups available.
  3. The Contact will be added to your group of choice and you can see the list of  all the groups that the Contact is a member of. You can add a Contact to as many groups as you want. 

If you want to remove a contact from a group, simply click the 'x' icon that appears next to the name of the group in the contact record.

Read more about managing Groups here and managing Smart Groups here.






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