Once your import file is all set up and saved on your computer, it's now time to import them into the platform. (See How to prepare your contacts for bulk import)
You can access the import contacts menu from the 'People' page on your workspace. Click on the Import button (1) on the top of the page.
- select the file format you wish to use for your contacts (.csv , excel(.xls or.xlsx) or vCard). (2)
- select whether or not to update your existing contacts that have the same mobile number as the ones in the file being imported (3). When this option is selected, a contact in your account that has the same mobile number as a contact in the file being imported will have their details updated with the ones of the contact in the file being imported.
Please refer to the screenshot below for more illustration.
Reviewing your contacts
Here you can confirm that your all-important contact headings are correct, and that FrontlineSMS is picking up your data as you have intended.
In this step you actually have the option to review your contacts and to make edits before finalising the import avoiding the need to cancel, re-edit the csv or Excel file (.xls or xlsx) and re-upload (although sometimes the best tool is still Excel so you can cancel at this point).
The most critical step is to make sure the contact headings are correctly formatted. Correctly formatted headings will appear as green, whereas incorrect headings will appear as a pale yellow.
There is a button at the top and bottom of the list that allows you to "Import all contacts" on your list. Clicking the button will finalise the import.
Once the import is complete, refresh the people page and confirm that all your contacts have been imported correctly. If the import fails, you will see a notification at the top of your screen.
If the import fails, check if the file was prepared correctly then try again. If you are still having trouble with the import, contact our support team for assistance.